In this tutorial will show you 5 easy Formulas which we use frequently for preparing Attendance Tracker , Employee Attendance Sheet ,
As you know how tracking P, AB, WO important not only in the corporate function but also in Non corporate work like School, Colleges etc.
I would encourage you personally take look at the below video . Watch it and share you opinion
In this video we have covered employees having off on one specific day. In upcoming series will go bit in advance so urge you to subscribe us on YT channel
Attendance_in_msExcel , #MsExcel
Hindi Tutorial
How do I create an attendance tracker in Excel?
How do you make an attendance tracker?
How do I use employee attendance in Excel 2016?
How do I calculate daily attendance in Excel?
How do you create a leave schedule in Excel?
We may called it in different way for attendance tracker but the ultimate goal here is to track the attendance Weekly , Daily , monthly so you are at the right track in this video you will be the get the more details about #Attendance or #leaveSchedule for the employees remember if you are applying for any job they will asked you how do you create a leave tracker . so please do make sure are you are having a knowledge about the attendance tracker how do we create it and the basic fomulas which we use in it so called #Five_Formulas_OneSolution #DiscoverTalentPresents.
This function will help you to make your work smartly in your #DailyRegime #Office , #School #Colleges etc. #MIS #Reports
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In upcoming video series will show some advance attendance tracker so urge you to subscribe us on #Youtube and the other handler which is mentioned above thanks once again for visiting #DiscoverTalent143 we value for your time
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