In this #MsExcel video series we will cover #Pivottable #Pivotchart and #RecommendedPivottables this three function you will in the #Msexcel #InsertRibbon tab .
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As we have already covered the #HomeRibbon in our previous series if you wish to explore more learning visit the below link
Also in upcoming #Video series we will cover next functions which is in the #InsertRibbon tab so urge you all to stay up to date with #DiscoverTalentPresents #DiscoverTalent143
A Pivot Table is used to summarise, sort, reorganise, group, count, total or average data stored in a table. It allows us to transform columns into rows and rows into columns. It allows grouping by any field (column), and using advanced calculations on them
You may have the queries like below
What is a pivot table and what is it used for?
Why is it called a pivot table?
Are pivot tables easy?
What’s the meaning of pivot?
Difference between Pivot table vs Recommended Pivot table.
Difference between Pivot table Vs Pivot Chart
Difference between Pivot table Vs Pivot Chart vs Recommended Pivot table
What is Difference between Pivot table Vs Pivot Chart vs Recommended Pivot table
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