Big Data Top 50 Question And Answer

Big Data Top 50 Question And Answer

*Question 1:** What is the term used to describe the massive volume of data that is too large to be processed using traditional methods?

Big Data Quiz

**Answer:** Big Data

**Question 2:** Which of the following is NOT one of the three V's used to describe the characteristics of big data?

a) Volume

b) Velocity

c) Viscosity

d) Variety

**Answer:** c) Viscosity

**Question 3:** Which programming language is commonly used for processing and analyzing big data?

**Answer:** Python

**Question 4:** Which technology framework is commonly used for distributed storage and processing of big data?

**Answer:** Hadoop

**Question 5:** What is the process of extracting useful patterns and insights from large datasets called?

**Answer:** Data Mining

**Question 6:** Which type of data analysis focuses on finding unknown relationships in data?

a) Descriptive Analysis

b) Predictive Analysis

c) Prescriptive Analysis

d) Exploratory Analysis

**Answer:** d) Exploratory Analysis

**Question 7:** Which term refers to a collection of large and complex datasets that cannot be processed using traditional methods?

**Answer:** Data Lake

**Question 8:** Which technology is used to store and manage structured data in a distributed database system?

**Answer:** NoSQL

**Question 9:** What is the primary goal of data preprocessing in the context of big data?

**Answer:** To clean, transform, and organize raw data for analysis.

**Question 10:** Which cloud computing service provides various tools and services for big data processing and analytics?

**Answer:** Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic MapReduce (EMR)

**Question 11:** What is the term for the process of combining data from different sources into a single, coherent dataset for analysis?

**Answer:** Data Integration

**Question 12:** Which type of data processing is characterized by real-time or near-real-time data streaming and analysis?

**Answer:** Stream Processing

**Question 13:** Which technology is known for its in-memory processing capabilities and is often used for real-time analytics on large datasets?

**Answer:** Apache Spark

**Question 14:** Which type of analysis involves using historical data to make predictions about future events?

**Answer:** Predictive Analysis

**Question 15:** What is the concept that refers to the need to process and analyze data at the point of creation?

**Answer:** Edge Computing

**Question 16:** Which programming model is used for processing and generating large datasets in parallel across a distributed cluster?

**Answer:** MapReduce

**Question 17:** What is the practice of storing multiple copies of data across different locations or servers called?

**Answer:** Data Replication

**Question 18:** Which technology is used for querying and analyzing data stored in a distributed, columnar data store?

**Answer:** Apache Drill

**Question 19:** What is the process of transforming raw data into a more suitable format for analysis called?

**Answer:** Data Preprocessing

**Question 20:** Which term refers to the process of analyzing and extracting information from unstructured text data?

**Answer:** Text Mining

**Question 21:** Which data visualization tool is often used to create interactive and shareable dashboards for business intelligence?

**Answer:** Tableau

**Question 22:** What is the term for a statistical measure that represents the average distance between each data point and the mean of a dataset?

**Answer:** Standard Deviation

**Question 23:** Which machine learning technique is used to classify data into predefined categories or classes?

**Answer:** Classification

**Question 24:** What is the name of the statistical technique used to identify patterns and relationships within data, especially for dimensionality reduction?

**Answer:** Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

**Question 25:** In the context of big data, what does the term "ETL" stand for?

**Answer:** Extract, Transform, Load

**Question 26:** Which cloud computing service offers a managed data warehousing solution for analyzing large datasets?

**Answer:** Amazon Redshift

**Question 27:** What is the process of improving the quality of data by identifying and correcting errors or inconsistencies called?

**Answer:** Data Cleansing or Data Scrubbing

**Question 28:** Which type of analysis involves studying data to understand its current state and characteristics?

**Answer:** Descriptive Analysis

**Question 29:** What is the concept that refers to the idea of extracting knowledge and insights from data to make informed decisions?

**Answer:** Data Analytics

**Question 30:** Which programming language is often used for creating interactive and dynamic web-based data visualizations?

**Answer:** JavaScript

**Question 31:** What term describes the process of converting data into a standard format to facilitate analysis?

**Answer:** Data Normalization

**Question 32:** Which data storage technology is designed to handle rapidly increasing volumes of data, often from IoT devices?

**Answer:** NoSQL Databases

**Question 33:** What is the technique of teaching a machine learning model using labeled data to make predictions on new, unlabeled data?

**Answer:** Supervised Learning

**Question 34:** Which mathematical concept is used to measure the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables?

**Answer:** Correlation

**Question 35:** What is the statistical measure that represents the proportion of the total variation in a dataset that is accounted for by a regression model?

**Answer:** Coefficient of Determination (R-squared)

**Question 36:** In the context of databases, what does ACID stand for?

**Answer:** Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

**Question 37:** Which data structure is designed for efficient querying and retrieval of data using key-value pairs?

**Answer:** Hash Table

**Question 38:** What is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features from a larger set of variables to use in a machine learning model?

**Answer:** Feature Selection

**Question 39:** Which type of machine learning algorithm aims to find hidden patterns in data through methods like neural networks?

**Answer:** Deep Learning

**Question 40:** What is the statistical test used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of two or more groups?

**Answer:** Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

**Question 41:** What is the process of grouping similar data points together called?

**Answer:** Clustering

**Question 42:** Which machine learning algorithm can be used for both classification and regression tasks and is based on creating decision trees?

**Answer:** Random Forest

**Question 43:** Which statistical measure is used to summarize the central tendency of a dataset?

**Answer:** Mean (Average)

**Question 44:** What is the measure of the dispersion or spread of a dataset's values?

**Answer:** Variance

**Question 45:** What is the practice of making a machine learning model perform well on new, unseen data called?

**Answer:** Generalization

**Question 46:** Which data structure organizes data in a hierarchy and is often used to represent relationships between categories?

**Answer:** Tree

**Question 47:** What is the technique used to reduce the number of dimensions in a dataset while preserving its important characteristics?

**Answer:** Dimensionality Reduction

**Question 48:** Which machine learning algorithm is inspired by the way biological neurons work and is used for tasks like image and speech recognition?

**Answer:** Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

**Question 49:** What is the measure of how well a machine learning model can make accurate predictions on new, unseen data?

**Answer:** Accuracy

**Question 50:** Which statistical test is used to determine whether there is a significant association between two categorical variables?

**Answer:** Chi-squared Test